Minibus Odessa Tarnow - book door to door and pay later

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Compare ticket prices Odessa - Tarnow

Mon, 03.03
Tue, 04.03
Wed, 05.03
Thu, 06.03
Fri, 07.03
Sat, 08.03
Sun, 09.03
UAH 2415
UAH 2300
UAH 2000
UAH 2300
UAH 2300
UAH 2000
UAH 2756
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Trip info from Odessa to Tarnow

Number of travel offers
Cheapest option
UAH 2000
Average cost
UAH 2518.42
Earliest and latest trip
12:05 - 23:10
Shortest trip duration
20h 10min
Average trip duration
23h 30min

Answers to frequently asked questions

Where to check the timetable of the minibus on the route Odessa Tarnow?

Detailed schedules of all trips on this route can be found in the search results on our website. To do this, enter the route details on the home page of our website and start the search. In the list of routes that show up, you will see a panel with dates that can be easily changed, as well as a list of all carriers sorted by departure time. If there is no carrier on the selected date, the system for your convenience will immediately display the days when there are trips available.

Where can I check the timetable for minibus on the route Odessa to Tarnow?

Detailed timetable of all trips on this route can be seen in the search results on our website. To do this, on the main page of our website, enter the route details and run a search. In the opened list of routes you can see a panel with dates, which can be easily changed, as well as a list of all carriers sorted by departure time. If there are no carriers for the selected date, for your convenience the system will immediately display the days when there are trips available.

How much does a Odessa Tarnow ticket cost?

The price of a ticket varies from carrier to carrier and depends on many factors (such as the type of transport and its comfort level). To study the price offers of carriers, use the search for the route you need. After the search results appear, you can sort all trips by price, from the lowest to the highest or vice versa.

Which type of transportation is available on the route Odessa Tarnow?

For the route you have chosen on our website there are 4 types of carriers, namely buses, buses, coaches, carpoolers and trains. In order to familiarize yourself with all the options you need to go to our website, enter the start and end points of the route and the date of the trip. After that you can choose the carrier that suits you best.

Is it better to search minibus Odessa Tarnow on

By choosing for a minibus trip Odessa Tarnow, you ensure convenience and safety. Thanks to strict moderation of carriers and flexible schedules that allow you to choose the perfect departure time. our website simplifies the booking process by offering the option of paying at the time of boarding without pre-payment, and guarantees a high level of website with the option of direct payment to the driver. We provide favourable prices, exclusive promotions and unique flexibility in booking ("book now, pay later"), supported by round-the-clock assistance from our dispatch website. stands for the comfort, safety and profitability of your minibus journeys.

Are there discounts for children?

Of course, on our website most carriers provide discounts for children, as well as for students, people with disabilities and the like. The size of the discount depends on the category, as well as directly on the carrier itself

Travelling time by minibus between Odessa Tarnow?

The journey time for minibus on this route will be 23h 30min.

Do minibus provide any facilities for passengers?

Yes, of course, carriers often state the amount of luggage allowed, the availability of electrical sockets, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, permits to carry pets and more.

Where to find cheap tickets Odessa Tarnow?

To find the cheapest tickets for minibus you need to use our search on our website. Enter the start and end point of the route and the date of travel. After the full list of trips is displayed in the search results, use the sort button and sort all trips from the lowest price to the highest. Choose the most suitable option from the inexpensive trips, pay online, get an e-ticket and hit the road!

Odessa Tarnow distance between cities

The distance between these cities is 1039.

Tarnow, Poland

72.00 km²
107 thousands
Official language
Polish zloty
Special places
Tarnuva Region Museum
Biggest bus stations
Tarnuv Bus Station
Railway stations
Tarnuv railway station

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