Cheap bus tickets Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow with flexible payment

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Compare ticket prices Ivano-Frankivsk - Tarnow

Mon, 03.03
Tue, 04.03
Wed, 05.03
Thu, 06.03
Fri, 07.03
Sat, 08.03
Sun, 09.03
UAH 1000
UAH 1000
UAH 1000
UAH 1000
UAH 1000
UAH 1000
UAH 1000
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UAH 2924
UAH 4646
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UAH 2924
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UAH 2924
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Trip info from Ivano-Frankivsk to Tarnow

Number of travel offers
Cheapest option
UAH 1000
Average cost
UAH 1358.38
Earliest and latest trip
11:30 - 20:20
Shortest trip duration
5h 0min
Average trip duration
9h 19min
Carriers on this route
TocoBus, СТЕЦИК Т.В. ФОП, P-Trans, Модультранс, MONO bus, TurTrans

Carriers on this route

MONO bus
MONO bus

Answers to frequently asked questions

Where can I find discounts for traveling Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow?

Going to our website you need to enter from where and to where you are looking for a route, as well as set the required date of travel. By clicking search, you will get a list of all carriers, which are categorized by category (bus, coach, carpooler or train). By clicking on one of the offered options in the sidebar you will get the whole list of criteria and amenities, and all discounts will be spelled out there as well

How to buy cheap tickets for bus Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow?

To get the cheapest tickets for bus, you need to use the search on our website. Enter the starting and ending points of the route and the date of travel. After the full list of search results is displayed, use the sort button and sort all trips from the lowest price to the highest. Choose the most suitable option from the cheapest trips, pay online and get your e-ticket and hit the road!

Where to book a bus ticket for Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow without paying?

To quickly book a ticket for bus without payment straight away you need to: 1. Enter the start and end point of the route and the date of travel. 2. After the full list of search results is displayed, select the appropriate trip and feel free to book it. 3. Fill in the fields required for booking and receive an email confirmation of your reservation. 4. Show the electronic confirmation of your reservation when boarding, pay for the trip to the driver and get on your way in comfort!

In how many hours can be travelled the distance Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow?

The distance 377 can be driven in 9h 19min.

How to find out what facilities bus provide?

In order to find out what amenities the carrier provides you should go to our website, enter where you are looking for a route from and to where, and set the necessary date of travel. By clicking search you will get a list of all carriers, which are categorized by category (bus, coach, carpooler or train). By clicking on one of the offered options in the sidebar you will get the whole list of criteria and amenities.

I want to buy a ticket Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow, what should I do?

To buy a ticket, you need to use the search bar on our homepage or in the Sharry app. Enter the starting and ending points of the route and select the date. Then select the appropriate price offer from the carriers' offers, where you can proceed to payment. After successful payment, you will receive an e-ticket that you can show the driver to get on the bus.

How long does it take to travel by bus Ivano-Frankivsk to Tarnow?

A bus trip on this route will take 9h 19min.

Where can I see online bus timetable Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow?

You can see the online trip schedule in the search results of our website. Use the main page of the website to search for a trip, specifying the starting and ending point and the date of travel. The search results that appear will contain a complete trip schedule for each date, which can be changed through the top bar. If it so happens that there is no carrier for your date, the system will immediately display the days when there are trips available.

Route Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow - how can I get there?

There are 4 types of carriers available on our website, such as: buses, mini buses, carpoolers and trains. You can choose a more favorable and comfortable option for you according to your personal criteria.

Route Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow - available information?

The distance Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow by bus is 377 km, and the journey time is 9h 19min. our website has 9 of carriers on this route, the average cost of their trips is 1358 UAH

How to find carriers with cheap tickets on Sharry?

In order to find carriers with the lowest prices you need to select the starting and ending point of the route, as well as the desired date. Once the list of journeys is displayed in the search box, use the "by price" sorting. After that, all trips suitable for you will be displayed from lower to higher cost.

What carriers are there on the Ivano-Frankivsk Tarnow route with online booking?

There are many carriers with an online booking system on this route, here are some of them: 6.

Tarnow, Poland

72.00 km²
107 thousands
Official language
Polish zloty
Special places
Tarnuva Region Museum
Biggest bus stations
Tarnuv Bus Station
Railway stations
Tarnuv railway station

CO2 emission on the route Ivano-Frankivsk - Tarnow

28.28 kg
60.32 kg
75.40 kg
26.38 kg

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