Сarpoolers Khmelnitsky Tarnow with payment at your boarding

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Compare ticket prices Khmelnitsky - Tarnow

Mon, 03.03
Tue, 04.03
Wed, 05.03
Thu, 06.03
Fri, 07.03
Sat, 08.03
Sun, 09.03
UAH 1100
UAH 1100
UAH 1100
UAH 1100
UAH 1100
UAH 1100
UAH 1350
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Trip info from Khmelnitsky to Tarnow

Number of travel offers
Cheapest option
UAH 1100
Average cost
UAH 1426.9
Earliest and latest trip
17:00 - 20:15
Shortest trip duration
9h 10min
Average trip duration
12h 11min

Answers to frequently asked questions

How many kilometres is the distance Khmelnitsky Tarnow by carpooling?

The distance in kilometres between the cities is 484.

How long does it take to travel by carpooling Khmelnitsky to Tarnow?

A carpooling trip on this route will take 12h 11min.

Finding a carpooling trip from Khmelnitsky to Tarnow with a small budget - is it realistic?

Small budget is not a problem, because on sharry you can always find a carpooling for any amount. To find a travelling others on our website you first need to enter the start and end point of your route, as well as the date of your trip. After displaying the full list of search results, use the sort button and sort all trips by price from lower to higher and choose the option that fits your budget. After that, simply choose the best option from the low-cost trips, then negotiate the trip details and book your seat completely free of charge!

Where to find a carpooler Khmelnitsky Tarnow with a small budget?

To find a budget carpooler, you need to use the search on our website. Enter the start and end points of the route and the date of the journey. After displaying the full list of search results, use the sort button and sort all trips from the lowest price to the highest. Choose a suitable option from the low-cost trips, negotiate the trip details and get on your way!

Which type of transportation is available on the route Khmelnitsky Tarnow?

For the route you have chosen on our website there are 4 types of carriers, namely buses, buses, coaches, carpoolers and trains. In order to familiarize yourself with all the options you need to go to our website Sharry.uk, enter the start and end points of the route and the date of the trip. After that you can choose the carrier that suits you best.

How to book a carpooler Khmelnitsky Tarnow without prepayment?

It's quite easy to book a seat with a carpooler fellow traveler for free. You don't need to pay any prepayment on Sharry website. To find a traveling companion on our website, enter the start and end points of your route, as well as the date of your trip. You will then see a full list of available trips, which you can sort by price from least to most expensive. After that, just choose a suitable option from the inexpensive trips, negotiate all the details and book a place absolutely free without prepayment.

Are there any travel discounts?

Of course, on our website most carriers provide discounts for children, students, people with disabilities, the elderly and the like. The size of the discount depends on the category, as well as directly from the carrier itself

What are the advantages of carpool travelling Khmelnitsky Tarnow?

Travelling with carpooling has many advantages: 1) It's cheaper because you only have to pay for part of the fuel 2) It's more fun, thanks to a small company and more sincere communication. 3) It's more convenient. You can always ask the driver to make a stop anywhere to rest or buy coffee. In a regular bus, it's much harder to do this.

How do I find pay on boarding carriers on Sharry?

Most carriers on our website offer the option to pay on boarding. In the search results for your route, these trips will be labelled "pay on boarding". Simply enter the start and end points of your route and the date of your journey, then select the suitable trip with this option.

Tarnow, Poland

72.00 km²
107 thousands
Official language
Polish zloty
Special places
Tarnuva Region Museum
Biggest bus stations
Tarnuv Bus Station
Railway stations
Tarnuv railway station

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