The journey time for train on this route will be 7h 60min.
Which train station is the best for traveling from Poznan to Liberec?
The most suitable stations are following: Poznan Gl.
What information can you find about the route Poznan Liberec?
A given route Poznan Liberec traveling by train has a distance of 336 km. The average journey time is about 7h 60min. On our Sharry website, there are 5 of carriers on this route and their average cost is 40 USD. All these carriers can be booked both with payment on boarding or online, which allows you to choose the most convenient way of payment. Our website also provides an opportunity to compare offers of different carriers, which allows you to choose the most suitable option in terms of price and departure time.
What are some of the comforts offered by train carriers?
Common amenities provided by carriers include increased luggage allowance, electrical sockets, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, the ability to carry pets and the like.
Are there travel discounts for seniors?
Many carriers available on our website provide discounts for seniors, children and students. But the availability of the discount and its size are completely different for each carrier.
How many kilometres are there between the cities Poznan Liberec?
The distance between the cities Poznan Liberec is 336 kilometres.
Which train stations are suitable for traveling from Poznan to Liberec?
When travelling from Poznan to Liberec following station are suitable: Poznan Gl. is suitable.
Which type of transportation is available on the route Poznan Liberec?
For the route you have chosen on our website there are 4 types of carriers, namely buses, buses, coaches, carpoolers and trains. In order to familiarize yourself with all the options you need to go to our website, enter the start and end points of the route and the date of the trip. After that you can choose the carrier that suits you best.
Where to check the online train timetable for Poznan to Liberec?
Online trips schedules can be seen in the search box of our website. Search through the main page of the website by specifying the starting and ending point and the date of the trip. In the search results you will see a complete similar trip schedule for each date, which can be changed via the top bar. If it so happens that on your date there is no carrier, the system will immediately display the days when there are trips for you.