How many kilometres is the distance Jastrowie Bregenz by train?
The distance in kilometres between the cities is 1068.
Which railway stations are located on the route Jastrowie Bregenz?
The following stations are located on a given route: Railway station Harbour, Railway station Bregenz
How long does take a trip Jastrowie Bregenz by train in hours?
The journey time for train will be 17h 25min
Which train station is used to travel from Jastrowie to Bregenz?
The following train stations should be used for your trip: Railway station Harbour, Railway station Bregenz.
Is it possible to find a detailed schedule of train for Jastrowie Bregenz?
It is quite easy to find detailed trip schedules. Just use the search on our website Enter the route details on the main page of the website and start the search. After the full list of routes is displayed, use the sort button and sort all trips by price from lower to higher. Choose the right option from the low-cost trips, pay online and hit the road.
Where is the boarding for a trip Jastrowie to Bregenz?
Boarding on train Jastrowie to Bregenz takes place at the following stations: Railway station Harbour, Railway station Bregenz.
Route Jastrowie Bregenz - how can I get there?
There are 4 types of carriers available on our website, such as: buses, mini buses, carpoolers and trains. You can choose a more favorable and comfortable option for you according to your personal criteria.
Do train provide any facilities for passengers?
Yes, of course, carriers often state the amount of luggage allowed, the availability of electrical sockets, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, permits to carry pets and more.
Where to find cheap tickets Jastrowie Bregenz?
To find the cheapest tickets for train you need to use our search on our website. Enter the start and end point of the route and the date of travel. After the full list of trips is displayed in the search results, use the sort button and sort all trips from the lowest price to the highest. Choose the most suitable option from the inexpensive trips, pay online, get an e-ticket and hit the road!
How do I find information about travel discounts?
You can find detailed information on our website. To do this, just enter the start and end points of the route and the date of the trip. After that, in the displayed list of all carriers you can click on one of the options in the sidebar and you will get a full list of features, amenities, as well as discounts.
Bregenz, Austria
29.00 km²
29 thousands
Official language
Special places
Bregenz Art House, Vorarlberg Museum, Casino Bregenz
Biggest bus stations
Bus station Bregenz railway station, Bus station Bregenz