Cheap bus tickets Katowice Brno with flexible payment

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Compare ticket prices Katowice - Brno

Mon, 10.03
Tue, 11.03
Wed, 12.03
Thu, 13.03
Fri, 14.03
Sat, 15.03
Sun, 16.03
PLN 89
PLN 80
PLN 77
PLN 75
PLN 84
PLN 80
PLN 84
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PLN 173
PLN 867
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PLN 111
PLN 111
PLN 111
PLN 79
PLN 69
PLN 79
PLN 79

Trip info from Katowice to Brno

Number of travel offers
Cheapest option
PLN 68.75
Average cost
PLN 112.76
Earliest and latest trip
04:33 - 23:45
Shortest trip duration
3h 5min
Average trip duration
3h 59min
Carriers on this route

Carriers on this route


Answers to frequently asked questions

How do I find and buy Katowice Brno tickets for bus?

You can find and buy bus tickets directly on our Sharry website. To do this, go to the Sharry homepage or open the Sharry mobile app. In the search bar, enter the start and end points of your route and the date of your journey. A list of all available trips will appear in the search box. Choose a suitable trip with payment on boarding or the option to purchase your ticket online. After successful online payment, you will receive an e-ticket that you can show to the driver for boarding.

Which bus station at the railway station is suitable for the trip Katowice Brno?

The best places to get on your bus are at these bus stations: Katowice Sadowa, Sądowa 4A, Katowice Sadowa 5, Sądowa 5, Bus station, ul. Sądowa, 5, Bus station, ul. Sądowa, 5 , platform 12

What carriers are there on the Katowice Brno route for booking by phone?

There are a lot of carriers with phone booking on this route, here are some of them: 1.

How can I find tickets for bus without a surcharge on Sharry's website?

On Sharry almost all tickets can be purchased without any additional surcharges. The prices on our website are the same as those of our partner carriers. To purchase, enter the start and end points of the route and the date of the journey. Once the full list of journeys is displayed in the search box, sort them by price, from lowest to highest. Select the appropriate option, pay online and receive your e-ticket.

Are there any travel discounts?

Of course, on our website most carriers provide discounts for children, students, people with disabilities, the elderly and the like. The size of the discount depends on the category, as well as directly from the carrier itself

Can you tell me about the route Katowice Brno?

The bus trip Katowice Brno has 255 km, and the journey time is 3h 59min. There are 18 of carriers on Sharry website along this route, and the average price of their trips is 113 PLN.

What amenities do bus carriers provide for passenger comfort?

Each carrier is different and has a different set of additional options for the convenience of passengers, but the common ones are the amount of luggage allowed, the availability of sockets, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, the possibility of transporting pets and so on.

What is the distance between the cities Katowice Brno?

The distance between these cities is 255. This distance can be travelled by different modes of transport such as buses, mini buses, trains or cars.

What is the travelling time for bus Katowice Brno?

The duration of a bus trip on this route would be about 3h 59min.

How to book a bus ticket by phone on the route Katowice Brno?

To book a bus ticket without payment straight away, you need to find the button with the numbers of the dispatch line in the top panel of the website. Then call one of the numbers of our information line. Our dispatcher will advise you and make a free reservation for the desired trip, after which you will receive an email confirmation of the reservation. Show the electronic confirmation of your reservation when boarding, pay the driver for the trip and go on your way in comfort!

Where can I find the bus Katowice Brno timetable?

You can find the trip schedule for the route in the search results on our website. To do this, do the following: 1) On the home page of our website, enter the route details and start searching. 2) In the list of routes that opens, you will see a panel with dates that can be easily changed, as well as a list of all carriers sorted by departure time. If there is no carrier on the selected date, the system for your convenience will immediately display the days when there are trips available.

How to buy cheap Katowice Brno bus tickets?

Cheap tickets are always profitable and pleasant. With, it is not difficult to get them. Use the search bar to find a list of all trips for your trip. Then, using a convenient filter, sort by price and choose from the sweetest price offers. Almost all trips on the Sharry website are offering an option to pay on boarding. However, some carriers are offering a simple and secure payment option directly using our website. You will immediately receive your e-ticket.

Brno, Czech Republic

230.00 km²
380 thousands
Official language
Czech krone
Special places
Špilberk Castle, St Peter and Paul Cathedral, Old Town Hall Brno
Biggest bus stations
Zvonarka Bus Station
Railway stations
Central railway station, Dolni Nadrazi railway station
Brno-Turzhany Airport

CO2 emission on the route Katowice - Brno

19.13 kg
40.80 kg
51.00 kg
17.84 kg

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