What is the distance between the cities Augustow Daugavpils?
The distance between these cities is 378. This distance can be travelled by different modes of transport such as buses, mini buses, trains or cars.
Where can I check the bus timetable for the route Augustow to Daugavpils?
Detailed timetable of all trips on this route can be seen in the search results on our website. To do this, on the main page of our website, enter the route details and run a search. In the opened list of routes you will be able to see a panel with dates that can be easily changed, as well as a list of all carriers sorted by departure time. If there are no carriers for the selected date, the system will immediately display the days when trips are available.
Augustow Daugavpils - what information is available on this route?
The distance of the route AugustowDaugavpils will be 378 km, which can be covered by land transport in 9h 20min. During the trip, you will be able to see many beauties and architectural monuments, as well as enjoy beautiful landscapes. The whole trip will go smoothly and with maximum comfort.
What is the main bus station when travelling on the route Augustow Daugavpils?
The main bus stations are: Augustów, Brzostowskiego, Brzostowskiego
Are there discounts for children?
Of course, on our website most carriers provide discounts for children, as well as for students, people with disabilities and the like. The size of the discount depends on the category, as well as directly on the carrier itself
How do I buy a bus ticket for Augustow Daugavpils?
Most of our carriers allow to book trips with the payment on boarding, but if online ticketing is important to you, you can do it easily and completely securely using our website. In the search results for your route, such trips will be marked with the appropriate "ticket purchase" label. Once you're on the trip itself, you can buy a ticket online.
How long does take a trip Augustow Daugavpils by bus in hours?
The journey time for bus will be 9h 20min
Is it possible to book a bus ticket from Augustow to Daugavpils without paying?
To book a ticket for bus without any payment online you need to: 1) Enter the start and end points of the route and the date of travel. 2) After the full list of search results is displayed, select the appropriate trip and go to it. 3) Fill in the fields required for booking and receive an email confirmation of your reservation. When boarding, just have to show the electronic confirmation of the reservation, pay the driver and enjoy the ride!
Route Augustow Daugavpils - how can I get there?
There are 4 types of carriers available on our website, such as: buses, mini buses, carpoolers and trains. You can choose a more favorable and comfortable option for you according to your personal criteria.
How can I find tickets for bus without a surcharge on Sharry's website?
On Sharry almost all tickets can be purchased without any additional surcharges. The prices on our website are the same as those of our partner carriers. To purchase, enter the start and end points of the route and the date of the journey. Once the full list of journeys is displayed in the search box, sort them by price, from lowest to highest. Select the appropriate option, pay online and receive your e-ticket.