Ostrava Cieszyn carriers with payment at boarding or online

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Mon, 03.03
Tue, 04.03
Wed, 05.03
Thu, 06.03
Fri, 07.03
Sat, 08.03
Sun, 09.03
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CZK 48
CZK 55
CZK 55
CZK 69
CZK 55
CZK 55
CZK 55

Trip info from Ostrava to Cieszyn

Number of travel offers
Cheapest option
CZK 47.55
Average cost
CZK 76.08
Earliest and latest trip
23:25 - 23:32
Shortest trip duration
0h 25min
Average trip duration
0h 40min
Carriers on this route
LEO Express s.r.o

Carriers on this route

LEO Express s.r.o
LEO Express s.r.o

Answers to frequently asked questions

Which train station is the best for traveling from Ostrava to Cieszyn?

The most suitable stations are following: Ostrava Svinov Peterkova Train Station, Peterkova 7, Ostrava Central Train Station, Nádražní 164/215, Ostrava Stodolni Train Station, Porážková 28

How do I find tickets with payment when boarding on Sharry?

Most carriers on our website offer the option to pay on boarding. In the search results for your route, these trips will be labelled "pay on boarding".

Which bus stations are the most suitable for travelling Ostrava Cieszyn?

The most suitable bus stations for boarding are the following: Ostrava Svinov Peterkova Train Station, Peterkova 7, Ostrava Central Train Station, Nádražní 164/215, Ostrava Stodolni Train Station, Porážková 28

What are the carriers carriers on the route Ostrava Cieszyn with payment on boarding?

There are many carriers on this route with payment upon boarding, here are some of them: 1.

Is it possible to find a carpooler Ostrava Cieszyn for free?

Finding and booking a carpooler for free is possible and very easy. To do this on Sharry.uk, enter the start and end points of the route and the date of the trip. A full list of available trips will be displayed, which you can sort by price (from lower to higher). After that, simply choose the right option from the low-cost trips, negotiate the trip details and book your seat completely free of charge.

Is it true that finding a carpooling trip without prepayment Ostrava Cieszyn is better than a bus?

Yes, of course. Travelling with carpooling is cheaper, because you only have to pay for part of the fuel. It is also usually faster, as cars can go much faster than big buses. And of course it is more convenient, because you can always ask the driver to stop anywhere to rest or buy a coffee. It's much harder to do that on a coach.

How can you save money on your trip using carpooling Ostrava Cieszyn?

Travelling with carpooling can save a lot of money, as carpoolers are ordinary people who take passengers to reduce their fuel costs. The cost of the trip is usually no more than a fraction of the petrol cost and no extra charges are required. This makes such trips more affordable and profitable.

Which train stations should be considered for the trip Ostrava Cieszyn?

The following Ostrava Svinov Peterkova Train Station, Peterkova 7, Ostrava Central Train Station, Nádražní 164/215, Ostrava Stodolni Train Station, Porážková 28 are suitable for travel Ostrava Cieszyn.

Which transport type should I use to get Ostrava Cieszyn?

Our website contains 4 types of carriers (bus, coach, carpooler and train), each of them has its own advantages. In order to find out which one you need you can go to our website and read their advantages by choosing one from the list.

Are there travel discounts for seniors?

Many carriers available on our website provide discounts for seniors, children and students. But the availability of the discount and its size are completely different for each carrier.

Why is finding a carpooler Ostrava Cieszyn is better and more profitable than a bus trip?

Carpoolers are ordinary people who pick up passengers on their way to reduce fuel costs. Therefore, as a rule, the cost of travelling with them will not be more than a fraction of the cost of fuel, without any additional charges. To search for a carpool, enter the start and end point of your route, as well as the date of your trip. After displaying the full list of search results, use the sort button and sort all trips by price from lower to higher. After that, simply choose the right option from the low-cost trips, then negotiate the trip details and book your seat for free!

Cieszyn, Poland

28.00 km²
34 thousands
Official language
Polish zloty
Special places
Cieszyn Castle, Piast Tower in Cieszyn
Biggest bus stations
Cieszyn bus station
Railway stations
Cieszyn railway station
Mosnov Airport

CO2 emission on the route Ostrava - Cieszyn

3.83 kg
8.16 kg
10.20 kg
3.57 kg

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